Long-lasting added
value for SME's,
R&D and Universities.

Our mission is to provide businesses, researchers, and universities with advanced HPC and cloud computing services to encourage, facilitate and enhance research and innovation in vertical niches that generate high social and economic value.

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European Digital Innovation Hub DIGI-SI was launched

In October 2022, the EDIH DIGI-SI was officially launched. DIGI-SI as an EDIH will foster the digital transformation of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (SMEs), start-ups, scale-ups and Public Administration (PAs) in four strategic priority areas identified in the forthcoming Slovenian smart specialisation strategy (S5): Agri-food, Health, Tourism and Manufacturing.



HPC5 will create the most innovative, creative and powerful network for HPC and cloud computing services in the Slovenia-Italy cross-border region.

Mission & objectives

The purpose of the High Performance Cloud Computing Cross-Border Competence Consortium (HPC5) is to provide a meeting point where exploiting the intellectual potential of cross-border industries and business in the area of High Performance and Cloud Computing.


Provide advanced HPC and Cloud Computin services, Communication breaktrouh between Slovenia and Italy, Stimulate awareness and demand for HPC and Cloud Computing services, Regional talent and skils development.